Last year I planted way too many veggies in our garden (tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts, basil, and rosemary). The broccoli and brussel sprouts were a bust - everything else was yummy!
This year I stuck with just the tomatoes and peppers. Something from last year came back, though. I left it to grow. So far it looks like nothing I planted last year. Weird.
As for flowers, I have an assortment of annuals (snapdragons, zinnias, pansies, lobelia) and perennials (roses, phlox, tulips, etc.), some of which were here at the house when we bought it. Such as this lovely flower:
There are also raspberries and grapes from previous owners. Oh, I can't wait for the raspberries to ripen. They are the best right after picking or on some yogurt and oats in the morning.
Something new for this year is an herb garden. A few small sprouts are emerging from the seeds I planted 3 weeks ago. It's a smaller garden so I stuck to horehound, oregano, and thyme. All should be hardy perennials here in Colorado unlike the rosemary and basil. Eventually I will expand it, maybe by an herb or two a year. Suggestions appreciated!
mint grows like a weed so if you like mint put it somewhere where it can expand. I have done the same thing....planted things that were a bust or we just don't really eat. I tried Edemame this year but none made it. I also tried some other herbs this year. I hope that I remember to cook with them.