Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kids and talking - updated

I'm a rather quiet person but have made it a point to talk to and with my son as often as possible; sometimes to the point of sounding silly to myself. But I know this is good for him as he learns how to communicate, speak and identify the world around him.

I came across an article titled Children reaching age 3 without being able to say a word, survey finds with concern. After reading it I found a disturbing sentence within it:

The survey of more than 1,000 parents found that a child’s background was not a factor in how quickly they learnt to talk. Working parents who put their babies in day care are just as likely to have a child whose speech develops late
as those who leave their baby in front of the television.

LOL. Those are the only two choices? Really? All this time as a housewife and mom I have been interacting with Rooster by talking with him, playing games, reading, rough-housing, following him around the house as he does laps, etc. and I could have instead just plopped him down in front of the TV.

Those silly Brits.

Update: A fellow Dr. Laura reader/listener notices the same.

original post 01/03/10 at 7:40 pm

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


They can be fun. Back in 2006 and 2007 my New Year's resolutions were to try a new wine every month. I know I hit it in 2006...most likely 2007 was a success as well. I don't think I made one in 2008. Last year I resolved to cut out processed foods and am glad to report it has stuck.

This year I resolve to be more primal. Thanks to Mark Sisson and his website and book I have a lot of information and guidance to be successful.

In a nutshell I aim for these goals:

1. No grains/sugar/legumes
2. More long walks
3. Increase weight lifting and body weight workouts
4. Play more!

I love the last goal and Rooster will definitely appreciate that one :)

I will be posting primal recipes and other information at my other blog soon. See you there!

Monday, January 4, 2010

We are going to whip these people out of their boots!

A new beginning.

A must fact, watch it several times!