Sunday, July 26, 2009

Don't forget saturated fat

Not only does calcium and Vitamin D protect against osteoporosis, but saturated fat will as well. In conjunction with Vit D, calcium is able to be deposited into bone. This article fails to mention it's role, as do most articles and information out there about prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The type of Vit D is also quite important. Ideally both D2 and D3 are in the diet together (whole milk, whole milk products, cod liver oil) and not supplemented separately. D2 alone has shown to actually increase sponginess of the bones instead of hardening them which is why most lower-fat milk is now supplemented with D3 instead (sited here and here). Unfortunately D2 is still used quite frequently in other food supplements, an example being soy milk.

I will be doing a blog series about saturated fats and their healthy benefits to the diet on my other blog, Real Food Mamas. When the first part is up I will link to it here.

I find it incredibly fascinating how little is published about the role of fats within the human body. By reading books and articles recently, I have learned so much about the necessity of saturated fat, the omega fats, and the way certain fats (poly-unsaturated, trans fats) can harm the body.

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