Monday, August 17, 2009

Too early to tap dance

One small victory at a time though.

While the President may say he doesn't consider the public option to be the most important aspect of reform, we all know it's only slightly true. The total truth would be that single payer is what he has his eye on.

As for Johnson's (D-GA) comments:

"We'll have the same number of people uninsured," she said. "If the insurance companies wanted to insure these people now, they'd be insured."

I still don't buy it. There are planty of people out there who can afford it and choose to not have it. There are even more out there who just can't afford it and haven't signed up for Medicaid and state options that are available to them.

On the same note, keep informed here. Betsey McCaughey was the Lt. Gov. of New York and is an expert on health policy. She has extensively researched the health care reform bills that are being considered in the house and senate. What she is finding in these bills is scary. Examples: end of life counseling, the actual cost of it, when (not if) you will be forced into it, etc.

Don't be faked out by what Drudge calls a white flag of retreat. They don't tuck tail and retreat - they divert attention and then sneak in the back door.

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