Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beyond co-sleeping

So I wrote a month ago that we were going to transfer the little guy into his own room. Well, tonight will be night 4 of him sleeping alone. Yay! A little later than planned (there's that silly word again) but we did it nonetheless. And it seems like the perfect time for all involved.

Over the weekend I tried to put Rooster down in his new room for a nap. I figured the ideal way is to introduce him slowly. Well, after he fell asleep on his crib mattress (it's so, so small compared to his twin!), he rolled over into the wall and woke himself up. I nixed the slow introduction and moved his mattress into the room later that day (with Roscoe's help of course).

That night we did the regular bedtime routine except that he went to sleep in his new room. It went very, very smooth. We have played in his room every day for awhile so he knows his surroundings. He only woke up twice during the night (I can handle 2 awakenings) and slept 12 hours! Yes, I can definitely get used to the new arrangement.

I did feel a bit odd going to bed without Rooster right there, after all when was the last time he wasn't right next to me? Never. But after falling asleep I was fine. It reassured me that I could hear him just fine from across the hall. We both seem to have adjusted just fine.


  1. Congratulations! I stumbled upon your blog while I was cruising the web looking for co-sleeping stuff, and I'm glad I did. I currently co-sleep with my wee one (and we love it), but I know the day will come when it's time to transition him to his own bed--and I dread it! It's good to know that other mamas have done it without a lot of trauma.

    As I side note, I love your blog name. I believe life should be lived passionately, and I'm glad to see that others do, too. Good luck, and keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks for visiting! Isn't co-sleeping a great way to start off your relationship with your little one?! I'm so thankful that he took to his own room right away.

    Yes, passionately living life is a great thing!


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