Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ready, Set, Sleep!

When do you wake a sleeping baby? Ideally, never, but in the real world it is bound to happen out of scheduling necessity or accident (or nutrition if they are newborn).

This week we are doing a mommy and baby swim class that begins at 10:05. Monday and Tuesday our schedule was perfect. Rooster woke from an hour nap at 0915, we pottied, nursed, and arrived several minutes ahead of time. Yesterday was different. He did not want to fall asleep with rocking and nursing for our usual routine (possibly distracted by the dishwasher - note to self, do not run until after morning nap!), so we headed outside for a walk in the stroller. 20 minutes later, at 0845, he fell asleep. I tried to rouse Rooster after a 30 minute nap but he would not awaken. This is not the first time I've tried to wake him up because we have needed to go somewhere, but this is the first time I was not able to gently do so by calling his name. Really?!

So what does a mama do in this situation? I could have been more forceful with my technique, louder voice, picking him up, etc. Quickly I weighed the con and pro: missing a class that is already paid for or letting the little man sleep? Hmmm...2 seconds later I was walking away hoping he would stay asleep a long time. And he did. He awoke from his nap at 10:15.

Sure we missed a day of class (which I was really, really looking forward to because he enjoyed himself so much on Tuesday) but two good things came out if it: a long nap for a tired little boy and another lesson to mama about babies and schedules - follow his cues and go with the flow.

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